Trike Ride

The fourth annual AEEC Trike Ride was held on Friday, and Mrs. Young's Terrific Tigers did an excellent job! They were very fast on the tricycles and did great at cheering their friends on when it wasn't their turn. We had a special snack after our ride as well. The tradition of the Trike Ride is for teachers to take the last lap... A special thanks to all of our parents for your hard work preparing for the Trike Ride this year!




Yellow Pod PTO Performance

The Yellow Pod performed at PTA on Monday, October 8th. We had a great turn out of children, and they did an excellent job singing. Mrs. H taught the children songs about the ocean and different fish to share with the parents who attended PTO.


Special Guest Reader

We had a very special visitor come and read to our class.  Mrs. Folmar, our assistant principal, read Skippyjon Jones.  As she read the book, we reviewed some words that we have been learning in Spanish.  The children enjoyed listening to Mrs. Folmar read.

Off to a Great Start

The 2012-2013 school year is off to a fantastic start!  It's hard to believe that it is already October and we have been in school for six weeks!  We are diving into our theme for the year, which is ocean.  More posts will be coming soon to show our learning.